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7. Al-A'raf (The Heights)

Meccan, 206 verses

In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

  1. A.L.M.S. (Alif. Lam. Mim. Sud.)

  2. A book (Quran) was sent down to you, and there should not be any difficulty (or doubt) about it in your chest/mind, in order that you warn with it and (it is) a reminder for the believers.

  3. Follow what was sent down to you from your Lord and do not follow any masters/guides other than it/Him. You take a little notice (or a few of you take notice).

  4. And how many towns did We destroy, that Our punishment came to them by night or while they were resting (during daytime)?

  5. When Our punishment came to them, their call was only to say: “Indeed we were wrongdoers.”

  6. We shall question those whom (messengers) were sent to them, and We shall question the messengers.

  7. And We shall tell them with knowledge (what they did), and We were not absent.

  8. And on that day measurement will be true, and anyone whose measure is heavy then they are the successful ones.

  9. And anyone whose measure is light then they are those who brought loss upon themselves because they used to be wrong to Our signs.

  10. And We have certainly established you (people) firmly on the earth, and We put means of life (and survival) for you in there. You give little thanks.

  11. And We have certainly created you, then formed you, then We said to the angels: “Be humble to Adam.” They all humbled except Iblis (Satan) who was not one of the humble ones.

  12. He (God) said: “What prevented you that you did not humble when I ordered you?” He said: “I am better than him, You created me from fire while You created him from clay.”

  13. He (God) said: “Go down from it, and it is not for you to be arrogant in it, so get out, you are of the belittled ones.”

  14. He (Satan) said: “Give me time until the day that they are raised up.”

  15. He (God) said: “You are of those given a delay.”

  16. He (Satan) said: “Because you misled me, I shall sit for them on your straight path,

  17. then I shall come to them from in front of them and from behind them and from their rights and from their lefts, and you will not find most of them thankful.”

  18. He (God) said: “Get out of it, disgraced and banished, those among them who follow you, I shall fill hell from all of you.”

  19. And you Adam, you and your spouse reside in the garden and eat from wherever you want, but do not get close to this tree because you become one of the wrongdoers.

  20. And Satan seduced both of them to make apparent to them what was hidden from them of their shame (of their genitals) and said: “Your Lord only prohibited you from this tree so that you do not become angels or become immortals.”

  21. And he swore for them: “Indeed I am of the advisers for you.”

  22. And he made them fall through deception. Then when they both tasted (the fruits of) the tree their shame appeared to them and they began covering themselves with leaves of the garden, and their Lord called them: “Did I not prohibit you from that tree and told you both that Satan is your obvious enemy?”

  23. They both said: “Our Lord, we did wrong to ourselves, and if you do not forgive us and have mercy on us, we shall be of the losers.”

  24. He (God) said: “Go down, some of you will be enemies of the others, and you will have a place to stay, and provision for a while (your lifetime).”

  25. He said: “You will live in it and you will die in it and you will be brought out of it.”

  26. Children of Adam, indeed We sent down clothing to you to cover your shame and as a decoration, while the clothes of cautiousness (of God) is better. That is among God's signs, so they may take notice.

  27. Children of Adam, do not let Satan seduce you, just as he drove your parents out of the garden, stripping them of their clothing (being cautious of God) to show both of them their shame. Indeed he and his tribe see you from where you do not see them. Indeed We made the devils friends/masters of those who do not believe.

  28. And when they commit an indecency, they say: “We found our fathers doing it and God has ordered us to it.” Say: “God does not order to indecency, do you say about God what you do not know?”

  29. Say: “My Lord orders to justice. And turn your attentions (toward Him) in every place of worship and call on Him being sincere to Him in the way of life (religion). Just as He created you, you return (to Him).”

  30. He has guided some, and some have deserved misguidance. Indeed they took the devils as their friends/masters instead of God and they think they are guided.

  31. Children of Adam, wear your beautiful things to every place of worship and eat and drink, but do not be excessive as God does not like the excessive ones.

  32. Say: “Who has forbidden God's beautiful things and the good provisions that He produced for His servants?” Say: “In this world's life, it is for those who believe and exclusively theirs on the Resurrection Day.” That is how We explain the signs (and verses) to people who know.

  33. Say: “My Lord has only forbidden the indecencies whether it is open or it is in secret, and sins, and undue oppression, and what you associate with God which He did not send down any reason for it, and whatever you say about God that you do not know.

  34. For every group there is an appointed time (to believe), and when their appointed time comes they cannot put it back an hour nor put it forward.

  35. Children of Adam, when messengers from among you come to you telling you My signs (and verses) then anyone who is cautious (of Me) and straightens out, they have no fear and no sadness.

  36. And those who deny Our signs (and verses) and are arrogant about them, they will be inhabitants of the fire remaining in there forever.

  37. Who is more wrong than someone who makes up a lie (and attributes it) to God or denies His signs (and verses)? They get their share of (what is written in) the book, so that when Our messengers (angels of death) come to them to take back their lives, saying: “Where are those whom you were calling on besides God?” They say: “They abandoned us.” And they testify against themselves that they were disbelievers.

  38. Say: “Enter the fire among communities of Jinn and humans who have passed away before you.” Every time a group enters, it curses its sister (that went in before them) until they all get in there. The later ones (the followers) say about the earlier ones (the leaders): “Our Lord, these misguided us, so give them double punishment of fire.” He (God) says: “Double for everyone, but you do not know it.”

  39. And the earlier ones tell the later ones: “You have no advantage over us, so taste the punishment for what you used to do.”

  40. Indeed the gates of heaven do not open for those who deny Our signs (and verses) and are arrogant about them, and they do not enter the garden until a camel passes through the eye of a needle, and that is how We punish the guilty ones.

  41. They will have hell as resting place, and above them covering (of fire), and that is how We punish the wrongdoers.

  42. And those who believe and do good, they will be inhabitants of the garden remaining in there forever, We do not task anyone beyond its capability.

  43. And We will remove whatever resentment that is in their chests/minds, and beneath them rivers flow, and they will say: “All praise belongs to God, the One Who guided us to this, and we were not guided if God had not guided us, certainly our Lord's messengers have brought the truth.” And they are called out: “This is the garden that you have inherited it for what you were doing.

  44. And inhabitants of the garden call out inhabitants of the fire: “We have found that what our Lord had promised us is true, so have you found that what your Lord promised is true?” They say: “Yes.” Then an announcer among them announced that God's curse is on the wrongdoers,

  45. those who obstructed God's way and looked for its distortion and they were disbelievers in the Hereafter.

  46. And between the two of them there is a barrier. And on the heights, there are men who recognize everyone by their appearance, and they will call out to inhabitants of the garden that have not entered it yet, but they hope (to do so:) “Peace (and well-being) upon you.”

  47. And when their eyes are turned towards inhabitants of the fire, they will say: “Our Lord, do not put us with the wrongdoing group.”

  48. And inhabitants of the heights call out to men whom they recognize from their appearance saying: “Your (large) population and your being arrogant are of no use to you.”

  49. Are these the ones whom you swore that God does not grant them mercy? (They will be told:) “Enter the garden, you will have no fear and you will not be sad.”

  50. And inhabitants of the fire call out to inhabitants of the garden that send us some water or some of what God has provided for you. They say: “God has forbidden them to the disbelievers,

  51. those who took their way of life (religion) as a play and an amusement and this world's life deceived them.” (they will be told:) “So today We forget them as they forgot about meeting of this day of theirs, and because they used to reject Our signs (and verses).

  52. And We brought them a book which We explained it in detail with knowledge, a guide and a mercy for believing people.

  53. Are they waiting for its realization? A day that its realization comes, those who had previously forgotten it say: “Our Lord's messengers brought us the truth, are there any mediators to mediate for us, or will we be sent back so that we do differently than what we were doing?” Indeed they brought loss upon themselves and what they used to fabricate (their mediators and what they associated with God) abandoned them.

  54. Indeed your Lord is God, the One Who created the skies and the earth in six stages then He reigned the dominion, He covers the day with the night, which it quickly looks for it, and the sun and the moon and the stars are governed by His command. Be aware that the creation and the command is His. Blessed is God, the Lord of humankind.

  55. Call on your Lord humbly and privately. He does not like those who exceed the limits.

  56. And do not commit corruption on the earth after it is set in order, and call on Him in fear and in hope. God’s mercy is indeed close to the good doers.

  57. He is the One Who sends the winds as good news before His mercy (of coming rain), so that it carries heavy clouds, and We drive it to a dead land, then We send down the rain from it, then We bring out all kinds of produce with it. That is how We bring out the dead (back to life), so that you may take notice.

  58. And the good land brings out its plants with its Lord’s permission, but the one that is bad only brings out sparsely. This is how We explain Our signs (and verses) for people who are thankful.

  59. We certainly sent Noah to his people, and he said: “My people, serve God, you have no god other than Him, indeed I am afraid of the punishment of a great day upon you.”

  60. The leaders of his people said: “Indeed we see that you are in obvious error.”

  61. He said: “My people, there is no error in me but I am a messenger from the Lord of humankind.

  62. I deliver my Lord's message to you and I advise you and I know from God what you do not know,

  63. or are you surprised that a reminder from your Lord has come to you, by a man from among you, to warn you so that you be cautious (of God) and you may receive mercy?”

  64. They denied him, so We saved him and those with him in the Ark and We drowned those who denied Our signs. They were a blind group.

  65. And to (people of) Aad (We sent) their brother Hud, he said: “My people, serve God, you have no god other than Him, will you not be cautious (of God)?”

  66. The leaders of those who disbelieved among his people said: “Indeed we see you are a fool and we think you are of the liars.”

  67. He said: “My people, there is no foolishness in me, but I am a messenger from the Lord of humankind.

  68. I deliver my Lord's message to you and I am an honest adviser to you,

  69. or are you surprised that a reminder from your Lord has come to you, by a man from among you, to warn you? And remember when He made you successors after people of Noah and increased your stature in the creation. Remember God’s favors so you may be successful.”

  70. They said: “Did you come to us, so that we serve God alone, and give up what our fathers used to serve? so bring us what you have promised us if you are truthful.”

  71. He (Hud) said: “Filth and anger of your Lord have fallen upon you, do you argue with me about names which you and your fathers named them, when God did not send down any reason for it? So wait and I will wait with you.”

  72. So We saved him and those with him by a mercy from Us and We cut off the root of those who denied Our signs and they were not believers.

  73. And to (people of) Thamud (We sent) their brother Salih. He said: “My people, serve God, you have no god other than Him, a clear evidence has come to you from your Lord, this is God’s female camel, as a sign for you, so leave her to eat in God’s earth and do not harm her otherwise a painful punishment takes you,

  74. and remember when He made you successors after Aad and settled you on the earth, where you build palaces in its plains and carve out houses in the mountains, so remember God’s favors, and do not commit mischief on the earth as corruptors.

  75. The leaders of those who were arrogant among his people said to those who believed among those who were weak: “Do you know that Salih is sent by his Lord?” They said: “We believe in what he is sent with it.”

  76. Those who were arrogant said: “We disbelieve in what you believe in it.”

  77. Then they killed the female camel and disobeyed the order of their Lord and said: “Salih, bring us what you have promised us (the punishment), if you are one of the messengers.”

  78. So the earthquake took them, and they became motionless bodies (and died) in their houses.

  79. Then he (Salih) turned away from them and said: “My people, I have certainly delivered the message of my Lord to you and advised you, but you do not like the advisers.”

  80. And (remember) Lot when he said to his people: “Do you commit the indecency that none of humankind did it before you?

  81. Indeed you approach men lustfully instead of women. Yes, you are an excessive group.”

  82. The only answer of his people was to say: “Drive them out of your town, indeed they are people who pretend to be (or want to remain) pure.”

  83. So We saved him and his family except his wife who was among those staying behind.

  84. And We poured down a rain (of stone) on them. So see what the end of the guilty ones was.

  85. And to (people of) Midian (We sent) their brother Shu'aib (Jethro). He said: “My people, serve God, you have no god other than Him, a clear evidence has come to you from your Lord, so give full measure and weight and do not undervalue people’s things and do not commit corruption on the earth after it is set in order, this is best for you if you are believers.”

  86. And do not sit on every road, threatening and obstructing God's way for anyone who believes in it, and looking for its distortion. And remember when you were a few then He increased you, and see what the end of the corruptors was.

  87. And if there is a group of you who believe in what I was sent with it, and a group who do not believe, then persevere (and be patient) until God judges between us, and He is the best of judges.

  88. The leaders of those who were arrogant among his people said: “Shu'aib, we shall drive you and those who believe with you out of our town or you should return to our faith.” He said: “Even if we despise it?

  89. We have made up a lie (and attributed it) to God if we return to your faith after He saved us from that, and it is not for us to return to that, unless God our Lord wants. Our Lord’s knowledge includes everything. We trust in God. Our Lord, decide between us and our people in truth, You are the best of deciders.”

  90. And the leaders of those who disbelieved among his people said: “If you follow Shu'aib (Jethro), then you will be the losers.”

  91. So the earthquake took them, and they became motionless bodies (and died) in their houses.

  92. Those who denied Shu'aib (Jethro) became as if they did not live in there. Those who denied Shu'aib, they were the losers.

  93. So he turned away from them and he said: “My people, I have certainly delivered my Lord's message to you and advised you, so how can I be sorry for disbelieving people?”

  94. And We did not send any prophet to any town unless We took its resident in hardship and distress, so they may be humble.

  95. Then We replaced hardship with comfort until they (thrived and) ignored (Us) and they said: “Indeed distress and prosperity happened to our fathers (as well).” So We suddenly took them without them realizing it.

  96. And if people of the towns had believed and were cautious (of God), We would have certainly opened blessings of the sky and the earth to them, but they denied so We took them (into punishment) for what they were doing.

  97. Do people of the towns feel safe that Our punishment will not come to them at night while they sleep?

  98. Or do people of the towns feel safe that Our punishment will not come to them during daytime while they play?

  99. Do they feel safe about God’s plan? Only the people who are losers feel safe about God’s plan.

  100. Or does it not point out to those who inherited the earth after its (previous) people, that if We want We would make them suffer for their sins and would seal their hearts so they do not hear (the truth).

  101. These are the towns that we tell you about their stories, and their messengers certainly brought them clear evidences, but they were not going to believe in what they denied in the past. That is how God puts a seal on the hearts of the disbelievers.

  102. And We did not find most of them (true) to their promise, and We found most of them to be disobedient.

  103. Then after them, We sent Moses with Our miracles to Pharaoh and his assembly, but they did wrong to them (Our miracles), so see what the end of the corruptors was.

  104. And Moses said: “Pharaoh, I am a messenger from the Lord of humankind,

  105. it is my responsibility that I only tell the truth about God, I have brought you clear evidence from your Lord, so send the children of Israel with me.”

  106. He (Pharaoh) said: “If you have brought a miracle, then bring it if you are truthful.”

  107. So he threw down his cane and it turned into a visible serpent.

  108. And he took out his hand (from his vest) and it was white to the viewers.

  109. The assembly of Pharaoh’s people said: “He is a knowledgeable magician,

  110. he wants to drive you out of your land.” What do you instruct?

  111. They said: “Put him and his brother off (for a while) and send gatherers to the cities,

  112. to bring you every knowledgeable magician.”

  113. The magicians came to Pharaoh and said: “Is there any reward for us if we are the winners?”

  114. He said: “Yes, you shall be of the close ones (to me).”

  115. They said: “Moses, do you throw or are we the throwers?”

  116. He said: “You throw. So when they threw, they bewitched people’s eyes and frightened them and they brought a great magic.”

  117. And We revealed to Moses: “Throw your cane.” And it suddenly swallowed whatever they faked.

  118. So the truth was proved and whatever they were doing became worthless.

  119. So they were defeated there, and they changed to the belittled ones.

  120. And the magicians fell, showing humbleness.

  121. They said: “We believe in the Lord of humankind,

  122. Lord of Moses and Aaron.”

  123. Pharaoh said: “Did you believe in Him before I give you permission? This is a plot which you planned in the city to drive its people out of it, but you will know (the consequences).

  124. I shall cut off your hands and feet from opposite (sides) then I shall crucify all of you.”

  125. They said: “Indeed we will return to our Lord,

  126. you are only taking revenge from us because we believed in our Lord’s miracles when it came to us. Our Lord, pour perseverance (and patience) over us and make us die as submitters.

  127. And the assembly of Pharaoh’s people said: “Do you leave Moses and his people to commit corruption in the land and abandon you and your gods?” He said: “We are going to kill their sons and let their women live, and we are dominant over them.”

  128. Moses said to his people: “Ask God for help, and persevere (and be patient), indeed the earth belongs to God, He gives it as inheritance to whomever He wants among His servants, and the end is for those who are cautious (of God).”

  129. They said: “We were harassed before you come to us and after you came to us.” He said: “Perhaps your Lord destroys your enemy and makes you the successors in the land to see how you do.

  130. And We certainly took Pharaoh’s people by famine and shortage of produce, so that they may take notice.

  131. Then when something good came to them, they said: “This is because of us” and when something bad happened to them, they attributed it to the bad omen of Moses and those with him. Be aware that indeed their bad omen is from God but most of them do not know it.

  132. And they said: “Whatever miracle you bring us to bewitch us with it, we will not believe in you.”

  133. So We sent them the flood, the locusts, the lice, the frogs and the blood, as distinct miracles, but they were arrogant and they were a guilty group.

  134. And whenever the plague fell upon them, they said: “Moses, call on your Lord for us because of what He promised you, that if you remove the plague from us, we shall believe in you and we shall send the children of Israel with you.”

  135. So whenever We removed the plague from them for a period of time which they reached it, then they broke (their promise).

  136. So We took revenge from them and drowned them in the sea, because they denied Our miracles and they were negligent of them.

  137. And We made the group, those who were weakened, inherit east of the land and its west which We had blessed it. And the good word (promise) of your Lord was fulfilled for the children of Israel because of their perseverance (and patience), and We destroyed what Pharaoh and his people were making and what they were building.

  138. And We made the children of Israel cross the sea, then they came upon a group devoted to their idols. They said: “Moses, make a god for us like their gods.” He said: “Indeed you are ignorant people,

  139. indeed what these are (engaged) in it will be destroyed and what they are doing is useless.”

  140. He said: “Should I look for a god other than God for you, while He preferred you over all other people?”

  141. And (remember) when We saved you from Pharaoh’s people, who imposed the worst punishment on you, killing your sons and letting your women live. And in that there was a great test from your Lord.

  142. We made an appointment with Moses for thirty nights and We completed it with ten (more nights), so the appointment of his Lord completed in forty nights. And Moses told his brother Aaron: “Be my successor among my people (in my absence), and do right, and do not follow the way of the corruptors.”

  143. And when Moses came to Our appointment and his Lord spoke to him, he said: “My Lord, show me (Yourself) that I look at you. He (God) said: “You will never (be able to) see Me, but look at the mountain and if it stays in its place then you will see Me.” So when his Lord displayed Himself to the mountain, He pulverized it, and Moses fell unconscious, and when he woke up, he said: “You are flawless (glory to You), I repent to You, and I am the first (or the best) of the believers.”

  144. He (God) said: “Moses, I chose you over the people with My message and with My word, so take what I gave you and be of the thankful ones.”

  145. And We wrote about everything on the tablets for him, an advice and an explanation of everything. So take them with strength and order your people to take it in the best manner. I am going to show you the home of the disobedient ones.

  146. I am going to turn those who are unjustifiably arrogant on the earth away from My signs. And even if they see every miracle they would not believe in it, and if they see the right way, they would not take that way, while if they see the way of error, they would take that way. That is because they deny Our signs and they are negligent of them.

  147. And those who deny Our signs and the meeting of the Hereafter, their works become useless. Are they rewarded except for what they were doing?

  148. And people of Moses, after him (in his absence), took a body of a calf made from their ornaments which made a sound (as god). Did they not see that it does not speak to them and does not guide them to any way? They took it (as god), and they became wrongdoers.

  149. And when they regretted and saw that they have made a mistake, they said: “If our Lord does not have mercy on us and forgive us, we shall be among the losers.”

  150. When Moses returned to his people, angry and sorrowful, he said: “You succeeded me miserably after me, were you rushing your Lord’s order?” He threw down the tablets and took his brother by the head dragging him toward himself. He (Aaron) said: “Son of my mother, the people weakened me and almost killed me, so do not make the enemies happy about me, and do not put me with the wrongdoing group.”

  151. He said: “My Lord, forgive me and my brother and admit us into Your mercy, and You are the most merciful of the merciful ones.”

  152. Those who took the calf (as god) are going to receive their Lord’s anger and humiliation in this world's life. That is how We punish those who fabricate lies (and attribute them to God).

  153. And those who do bad (deeds), and repent after that and believe, indeed your Lord is forgiving and merciful after that.

  154. And when Moses' anger subsided, he took the tablets, and there was guidance and mercy in its text for those who were afraid of their Lord.

  155. And Moses selected seventy men from his people for Our appointment. So when the earthquake took them, he said: “My Lord, if You wanted, You could have destroyed them and me before this, do You kill us for what the fools among us did? This is only a test from You, misguiding anyone You want with it and guiding anyone You want, You are our protector (and supporter), so forgive us and have mercy on us, and You are the best of forgivers,

  156. and prescribe good in this world and in the Hereafter for us, for we turned to You.” He (God) said: “I inflict My punishment on whomever I want, and My mercy includes everything, so I am going to mandate it for those who are cautious (of God) and give to mandatory charity and those who believe in Our signs.

  157. Those who follow the messenger (Muhammad), the illiterate prophet, the one they find him written in the Torah and the Gospel that is with them, he instructs them to what is right and prohibits them from what is wrong, and he makes the good thing lawful for them and prohibits them from the bad things, and he removes their burden and the shackles that is on them from them. So those who believed in him and assisted him and helped him and followed the light (Quran) that was sent with him, they are the successful ones.

  158. Say: “People, I am God's messenger to all of you, the One that the rule of the skies and the earth belongs to Him, there is no god except Him, He gives life and causes death. So believe in God and His messenger, the illiterate prophet, the one who believes in God and His words, and follow Him/him so that you may be guided.”

  159. And a group of Moses’ people guide to the truth, and they carry out justice with it.

  160. And We divided them (children of Israel) into twelve tribes of nations, and We revealed to Moses when his people asked him for water: “Strike the rock with your cane.” Then twelve springs flowed out of it, and all people knew their drinking place, and we shaded over them with clouds, and We sent down Manna and Salwa (two kind of edible foods) to them. Eat from good things that We have provided for you. And they did not do wrong to Us, but they were wrong to themselves.

  161. And (remember) when they were told: “Reside in this town and eat wherever you want in it, and say: “Remove (and reduce our sins),” and enter the gate humbly. I forgive your mistakes. We are going to increase the (reward of) good doers.

  162. But those among them who did wrong changed the word (of God) to something other than what they were told, so We sent them a punishment from the sky because they were doing wrong.

  163. Ask them about the town that was present by the sea, when they overstepped the Sabbath. When their fish came to them appearing on the surface of the sea on their Sabbath day, and on the days when they did not (have to) observe the Sabbath they would not come to them. That is how We tested them because they were disobeying.

  164. And when a group of them said: “Why do you preach people whom God kills them or punishes them with a severe punishment?” They (the preachers) said: “As an apology to your Lord and so that they may be cautious (of God).”

  165. And when they forgot what they were reminded of it, We saved those who prohibited from the bad, and We took those who did wrong into a harsh punishment because they were disobeying.

  166. And when they disobeyed what they were prohibited from, We told them: “Be driven away monkeys.”

  167. And (remember) when your Lord declared that He shall raise against them those who inflict bad punishment on them until the Resurrection Day. Indeed God is quick in punishment and indeed He is forgiving and merciful.

  168. And We divided them into nations on the earth. Some of them were righteous and some of them were other than that, and We tested them with good and bad so that they may return.

  169. Then successors followed after them who inherited the book, taking material of this world and saying: “It is going to be forgiven for us.” And if similar material comes to them, they take it (again). Was not the commitment of the book taken from them that they should not say anything from God except the truth, and they studied what is in it? The home of Hereafter is better for those who are cautious (of God). Do you not understand?

  170. And those who hold on to the book (Quran, Torah, or Gospel) and perform mandatory prayer, indeed We do not waste the reward of those who do what is right.

  171. And (remember) when We raised the mountain above them as if it was a canopy, and they thought that it will fall on them, (We said:) “Take what We gave you firmly and take notice of what is in it, so that you may be cautious (of God for doing wrong).”

  172. And (remember) when your Lord took from the backs of children of Adam, their descendants, and made them testify against themselves, (and He asked:) “Am I not your Lord?” They said: “Yes, we testify.” So that on the Resurrection Day you (do not) say: “We were unaware of this.”

  173. Or you (would not) say: “It was only our fathers who associated (partners with God) in the past, and we were descendants after them, do You destroy us for what the followers of falsehood did?”

  174. That is how We explain the signs (verses), so that they may return.

  175. And read them the story of the one whom We gave him Our signs, then he stepped away from it, so Satan followed him and he became of the deceived ones.

  176. And If We wanted, We would have elevated him with it (Our signs), but he held on to the earth and followed his desires. His example is like the dog, if you attack it, it pants and if you leave it, it pants. That is the example of people who denied Our signs. So tell the stories so that they may think.

  177. The example of people who denied Our signs and were wrong to themselves is awful.

  178. Whoever God guides, then he is guided, and whoever He misguides, then they are the losers.

  179. And We have certainly created many of Jinn and humans for hell. They have hearts which they do not understand with, and they have eyes which they do not see with, and they have ears which they do not hear with. They are like animals, no they are even more lost. They are the negligent ones.

  180. And the good attributes/names belong to God, so call on Him by them, and leave those who distort (and falsify) His attributes/names, they are going to be punished for what they were doing.

  181. And among those whom We created, a group guides to the truth and they carry out justice with it.

  182. And those who deny Our signs (verses), We are going to gradually lead them (to destruction and punishment) from where they do not know.

  183. And I give them time. Indeed My plan is sound.

  184. Or did they not think that their friend is not mad? He is only a clear warner.

  185. Or did they not look at the kingdom of the skies and the earth and everything God has created, and that perhaps their term is getting close? So in what saying do they believe after it (Quran)?

  186. Whoever God misguides, then there is no guide for him, and He leaves them wandering in their rebellion.

  187. They ask you about the Hour: “When is its anchoring (arrival)?” Say: “Its knowledge is only with my Lord, He will only expose it at its time, it is heavy on the skies and on the earth, it only comes to you suddenly.” They ask you as if you are well informed about it! Say: “Its knowledge is only with God, but most people do not know (this).”

  188. Say: “I do not have power of any benefit or any harm for myself, except what God wants, and if I knew the unseen, I would want a lot of the good things, and nothing bad would touch me, I am only a warner and a giver of good news for people who believe.

  189. He is the One Who created you from a single being, and He made its spouse from it to calm down by it. So when he covered her (and had sex with her), she carried a light load and went on with it, then when it became heavy, they called on God their Lord: “If You give us a good child, we shall be of the thankful ones.”

  190. But when God gave them a good child, they set up partners for Him in what He gave them. God is above what they associate (with Him).

  191. Do they associate something (with Him) that does not create anything and they (themselves) are created?

  192. And they cannot be of any help for them nor can they help themselves.

  193. And if you (believers) invite them (the idolaters) to the guidance, they will not follow you. It is the same for you whether you invite them or you are silent.

  194. Those whom you call on besides God are servants like you, so call on them then they should answer you if you are truthful.

  195. Do they have feet to walk with them, or do they have hands to grab with them, or do they have eyes to see with them, or do they have ears to hear with them? Say: “call on your associates (for God), then plot against me and do not wait.”

  196. My protector is God, the One Who sent down the book, and He protects the righteous.

  197. And those whom you call on besides Him cannot help you nor can they help themselves.

  198. And if you (believers) invite them (the idolaters) to the guidance, they do not hear, and you (Muhammad) see them looking at you while (in fact) they do not see.

  199. Take to the pardon (and excuse them) and order what is right, and stay away from the ignorant ones.

  200. And if a temptation from Satan tempts you, seek God’s protection, indeed He hears all and knows all.

  201. Indeed those who are cautious (of God), when a transient (thought) from Satan touches them, they remember (God) then they become insightful.

  202. And their brothers (and friends) help them into error, and they will not stop short.

  203. And when you did not bring them a sign, they said: “Why did you not choose it?” Say: “I only follow what is revealed to me from my Lord, this (Quran) is enlightenment from your Lord and a guide and a mercy for people who believe.”

  204. And when the Quran is read, then listen to it and keep quiet, so that you may receive mercy.

  205. And remember your Lord in yourself (in your mind), humbly and in fear and without being loud in words, in the morning and the evening, and do not be of the negligent ones.

  206. Indeed those who are in presence of your Lord are not arrogant in His servitude, and they glorify Him, and they show humbleness for Him.

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