Bottom of the Chapter
Medinan, 176 verses
In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
You people, be cautious of your Lord who created you from a single being, and created its spouse from it, and spread many men and women from them. And be cautious of God, the One you ask by Him, and (beware of your duties to) the blood relatives (and close relatives). God is watching over you.
Give the orphans their properties and do not substitute the bad for the good, and do not eat up their properties with your properties, as it is a great sin.
If you are afraid that you may not be fair with orphans, then marry from women who are pleasing to you, two, three, or four. But if you are afraid of injustice, then (marry) only one, or what you own. That is more appropriate so you don't deviate from the right course (or you may not have numerous households).
And give women their compensations (marriage portions) dutifully. But if they, on their own, are willing to give you back any part of it, then consume it as something joyful and wholesome.
And do not give your properties which God made a source of support for you to the immature ones but provide for them and clothe them with that, and speak to them nicely.
Test the orphans until they reach the (maturity for) marriage, then if you notice maturity in them, give their properties back to them, and do not consume it excessively and in a hurry because they are growing up. Anyone who is rich then he should forgive (his wages), and anyone who is poor then he should reasonably consume (from it). And when you return their properties to them, take witness upon them, while God is enough for reckoning.
Men have a share of what their parents and relatives leave behind, and women have a share of what their parents and relatives leave behind, no matter a little of it or a lot, a defined share.
And when the relatives (and close ones) and the orphans and the needy are present during distribution, then provide them from it and speak to them nicely.
Those who fear about helpless (or weak) offspring that they leave behind should fear (about treating orphans unfairly), so they should be cautious of God and they should say right (and appropriate) word.
Indeed those who consume the orphans' properties wrongfully only consume fire in their stomachs and they are going to enter (and burn in) a burning fire.
God instructs you regarding your children that: “For a male is the same portion as two females, and if they are all females and are more than two then they get two third of what he left, and if there is only one (daughter) then she gets half. And for his parents, for each one of them is one sixth of what he has left if he has a child, and if he does not have a child and his inheritors are (only) his parents then one third is for his mother, and if he has siblings then one sixth is for the mother, after fulfilling any will that he has instructed and paying off any debts. You do not know whether your parents or your children have more benefits for you. This is a mandate from God. God is knowledgeable and wise.
And half of what your wives leave is for you if they don't have a child, and if they have a child then one quarter of what they leave is for you, after fulfilling any will that they have instructed and paying off any debts. And one quarter of what you leave is for them if you don't have a child, and if you have a child then one eighth of what you leave is for them, after fulfilling the will that you have instructed and paying off any debts. And if a man or a woman who is to be inherited from has no direct heir and he has a brother or a sister, for each one of them is one sixth, and if more than that, then they all share in a third, after fulfilling the will that he has instructed and paying off any debts without causing any loss. This is an instruction from God, and God is Knowledgeable and patient.
These are limits set by God, and whoever obeys God and His messenger, He admits him into gardens which rivers flow through them remaining in there forever, and this is the great victory.
And whoever disobeys God and His messenger and violates His limits, He admits him into a fire remaining in there forever, and he will have a humiliating punishment.
And those among your women who commit indecency, then call four witnesses against them from among you, and if they testified, then keep them in the houses until death takes them or God makes a way for them.
And if two men among you commit it (indecency), then harass them both and if they repent and straighten out then stay away from them. God is acceptor of repentance and merciful.
(Accepting) the repentance is only on God for those who do something bad out of ignorance and then repent soon after, then God turns to them (and forgives them), and God is knowledgeable and wise.
Repentance is not for those who do bad deeds until death comes to one of them, then he says: “I repent now” and it is not for those who die while they are disbelievers, We have prepared a painful punishment for them.
You who believe, it is not lawful for you to inherit women (or from women) unwillingly, and you should not make it difficult for them so that you take back part of what you gave them unless they commit an obvious indecency. And treat them nicely. And if you dislike them, then perhaps you dislike something while God has put a lot of good in it.
If you decide to replace one wife in place of another wife, and you have given one of them lots of valuables, then do not take (back) anything of it. Would you take it with a false accusation and an obvious sin?
And how do you take it while you have been alone with each other (having sexual relationship) and they took a strong commitment (marriage contract) from you?
And do not marry women that your fathers married (their ex-wives), except what has already passed. Indeed it is indecent and disgusting and a bad way.
Forbidden to you (for marriage) are your mothers, and daughters, and sisters, and sisters of your fathers, and sisters of your mothers, and daughters of your brothers, and daughters of your sisters, and your stepmothers who nursed you, and your stepsisters by nursing, and mothers of your wives, and your stepdaughters in your guardianship from your wives whom you had sex with them but if you did not have sex with them then there is no blame on you, and the wives of your sons from your backs (your own sons not your stepsons), and two sisters together (at the same time), except what has already passed. God is forgiving and merciful.
And (forbidden to you are) all married women except what your right hands own (those captives that their husbands have not asked for them or do not want to go back). This is God's prescription for you. And (other women) apart from these are made lawful for you, that you look for them with your wealth for marriage and not fornication/adultery. So for what you enjoyed from them (consummation of marriage), give them their compensations (marriage portions) as a mandate. And there is no blame on you for what you mutually agree about it after the mandate. Indeed God is knowledgeable and wise.
And anyone among you who cannot afford to marry the free believing women, then (marry) from your believing maids among what your right hands own. God best knows your belief, you are from one another, so marry them with permission of their owners (and their families) and give them their compensations (marriage portions) nicely in marriage (to be your wives) and not as fornicators/adulterers and not as takers of lovers. And when they are married, if they commit indecency, then their punishment is half of what is for free women. This is for any one of you who fears committing fornication, but if you are patient it is better for you. God is forgiving and merciful.
God wants to clarify for you and to guide you to the traditions of those before you, and to turn to you (and forgive you). God is knowledgeable and wise.
God wants to turn to you (and forgive you), but those who follow (their) lusts want you to deviate, a great deviation.
God wants to reduce your (burdens and duties), as the human being is created weak.
You who believe, do not falsely eat up each others’ properties among yourselves, but let there be trade among you with your mutual satisfaction. And do not kill each other (or yourselves). God is merciful to you.
Anyone who does this due to enmity and wrongdoing, We are going to enter (and burn) him in a fire, and that is easy for God.
If you avoid the great (sins) that you are prohibited from, We will remove your sins from you and admit you into a noble place.
And do not wish for what God graced some of you over the others with it. Men have a share of what they did, and women have a share of what they did. And ask God from His grace. God knows everything.
We have appointed inheritors for everything that parents and close relatives leave behind, as well as those you have ratified (their contract) by your oath, so give them their share. Indeed God is witness over everything.
Men are keepers (and caretakers) of women because of what God has graced some (people) over the others and for what they spend from their wealth. So good women are loyal, looking after what God has guarded (by His laws) in the absence (of their husbands). And those (women) whom you are afraid of their disloyalty (in their marital duties), advise them, then keep away from them in beds, then (if that or nothing else worked) spank them (fairly and not out of anger), but if they agreed with you, then do not look for a way against them. God is superior and great.
And if you are afraid of separation between them, then send an arbitrator from his family and an arbitrator from her family. If they want to make things right, God reconciles between them. God is knowledgeable and well aware.
And serve God and do not associate anything with Him (as partner), and be good to your parents, relatives (and close ones), orphans, the needy, relative/close neighbors, stranger/distant neighbors, companions by the side, traveler (in need), and those whom your right hands own. Indeed God does not like selfish show offs.
Those who are stingy and instruct people to stinginess and hide what God gave them from His grace, (know that) We have prepared a humiliating punishment for the disbelievers,
and those who spend their wealth to be seen by people and do not believe in God and the Last Day, (Satan is their companion) and anyone who has Satan as a companion, has a bad companion.
What would be their disadvantage if they believe in God and the Last Day and spend (in God's way) from what God has provided them? God is knowledgeable about them.
God does not wrong (anyone) even the least bit, and if there is any good, He multiplies it and gives a great reward from Himself.
And how will it be when We bring a witness from every group and We bring you as a witness against these?
On that day, those who disbelieved and rebelled against the messenger wish that the ground was made level over them (and they became like the dust), and they will not (be able to) hide any statement (or anything) from God.
You who believe, do not get close to mandatory prayer while you are intoxicated until you know what you say, and not after orgasm until you wash except when you are traveling on a road, and if you are sick or on a trip or one of you comes from toilet (after bowel movement) or you had (sexual) contact with a woman and could not find water, then perform dry ablution using clean soil (or stone or sand) rubbing it to your faces and hands. God is pardoning and forgiving.
Have you not seen those who were given some benefit of the book buying misguidance and wishing that you lose the (right) way?
God knows your enemies better, and God is enough as a protector and God is enough as a helper.
Some Jews change (the meaning/pronunciation of) words from their places and they say: “We hear and we rebel” and “Hear without listening” and “Ra’ina (keep an eye on us, but with a slight twist would mean our fool or our evil)” twisting their tongue as a slander to the religion. And if they had said: “We hear and we obey” and “”Listen” and “Unzurna (watch over us)” it would have been better and more appropriate for them. But God cursed them for their disbelief, and they do not believe except a few (or a little).
You who are given the book, believe in what We sent down confirming what is with you, before We wipe out faces and turn them backward, or curse them as We cursed the violators of the Sabbath. God’s command shall be done.
God does not forgive associating (partners) with Him, and He forgives other than that for anyone He wants. And whoever associates (partners) with God then he has made up (a lie and has committed) a great sin.
Have you not seen those who (think they) absolved themselves? But it is God who absolves anyone He wants, and they are not wronged in the least.
See how they fabricate lies (and attribute them) to God, and that in itself is sufficient as an obvious sin.
Have you not seen those who were given some benefit of the book believing in false gods (and superstition) and rebellious ones, and say about those who disbelieve: “These are more guided to the (right) way than the believers”?
They are those whom God cursed them, and anyone cursed by God, you will never find a helper for him.
Or do they have any share of the rule? In that case they will not give a tiny bit to the people.
Or are they jealous of people for what God gave them from His grace? We have given Abraham’s family the book and wisdom, and we gave them a great kingdom.
Some of them believed in him, and some of them turned away from him and burning fire of hell is enough (for them).
Those who disbelieve in Our signs, We will enter (and burn) them in fire, every time their skins are roasted, We replace their skins with another skin so that they taste the punishment. God is powerful and wise.
And those who believe and do good, We are going to admit them into gardens which rivers flow through them, remaining in there forever and ever. They have pure spouses in there, and We admit them into abundant shade.
Indeed God orders you to return the trust to their owners, and when you judge between people, judge with justice. Indeed what God advises you to it is excellent. God hears all and sees all.
You who believe, obey God and obey the messenger and those of you who are in charge of affairs (the authorities), but if you dispute about anything (with authorities), then return it to God and the messenger if you believe in God and the Last Day. This is better and has a better outcome.
Do you not see those who claim that they believe in what was sent down to you and what was sent down before you, but they want to be judged by the rebellious one while they were certainly instructed to reject it? Satan wants to misguide them far from the (right) path.
And when they are told to come to what God has sent down and to the messenger, you see the hypocrites turn away from you, shunning.
And how is it that when a tragedy strikes them for what their hands have sent ahead (what they have done), then they come to you swearing by God: “We only wanted good and success (for you).”
They are those whom God knows what is in their hearts, so stay away from them and advise them, and speak to them with eloquent words (reaching) into their souls.
We did not send any messenger except that he was to be obeyed by God’s permission. And if they had come to you when they wronged themselves and asked for God’s forgiveness, and the messenger had asked for their forgiveness, they would have certainly found God acceptor of repentance and merciful.
But no, by your Lord that they do not (really) believe (in you and what was sent down to you) until they make you judge in what is the subject of disagreement between them, and they do not find any difficulty in themselves about your decision, and they completely submit (to your decision).
And if We had prescribed to them to kill each other or leave your homes, only a few of them would have done it. But if they did what they were advised to it, it would have been better for them and more strengthening (for their faith).
Then We would have certainly given them a great reward from Us,
and We would have certainly guided them to a straight path.
And whoever obeys God and the messenger, then they are with those whom God favored upon them, among the prophets and the truthful ones and the witnesses (or the martyrs) and the righteous, and they are good companions.
That is God's grace, and God is sufficient for knowing (what His servants do).
You who believe, take care (and be careful) and go out in groups or go out all together.
And indeed among you is one who shall slow down, and if a disaster strikes you he says: “God has favored upon me that I was not present with them.”
And if God’s grace happens to you, he shall say as if there was no friendship between you and him: “I wish I had been with them so I would have achieved a great victory.”
So those who trade this world's life with the Hereafter should fight in God's way, and whoever fights in God's way, whether he is killed or he is victorious, then We will give him a great reward.
And what is with you that you do not fight in the way of God and the weak men and women and children, those who say: “Our Lord, take us out of this town whose inhabitants are the wrongdoers, and appoint a protector for us from Your presence and appoint a helper for us from Your presence.”
Those who believe fight in God's way and those who disbelieve fight in the way of the rebellious ones, so fight against supporters of Satan, as indeed Satan’s plan is weak.
Have you not seen those who were told: “Withhold your hands (and do not fight) and perform mandatory prayer and give to mandatory charity,” but when fighting was prescribed for them, a group of them feared men as they feared God or even feared more and said: “Our Lord, why did you prescribe fighting for us, why did you not postpone it for a short while?” Say: “Enjoyment of this world is small and the Hereafter is best for anyone who is cautious (of God), and you will not be wronged a bit.”
Death catches up with you wherever you are, even if you are in strongly built towers. And if something good happens to them, they say: “This is from God.” And if something bad happens to them, they say: “This is from you.” Say: “Everything is from God.” What is the matter with these people that they do not understand this saying?
Anything good that happens to you is from God, and anything bad that happens to you is from yourself. And We sent you as a messenger for people, and God is sufficient as a witness.
Whoever obeys the messenger then he has indeed obeyed God, and whoever turns back, We did not send you as their guardian.
And they say: “Obedience.” But when they leave you, a group of them deliberate at night about other than what you say, but God writes what they deliberate at night, so stay away from them and put your trust in God. God is enough as an advocate.
Do they not think about (the consequences of instructions of) Quran? And if it was from other than God, they would find a lot of contradictions in it.
And when any news of safety or fear comes to them, they publicize it, while if they had referred it to the messenger and those among them who are in charge, then those among them who can find out (the truth) would have certainly known it. And if it was not for God’s grace and mercy on you, you would have certainly followed Satan, except a few (of you).
So (Muhammad,) fight in God's way as you are only responsible for yourself, and persuade the believers (to fight). Perhaps God will hold back the harm of those who disbelieve. God is most strong and most punishing.
Anyone who mediates a good mediation (or in a good cause) has some share of it, and anyone who mediates a bad mediation (or in a bad cause) has some liability from it. God has control over everything.
And when you are greeted with a greeting, then greet with better than that or return it. God takes everything into account.
God, there is no god except Him. He shall gather you on the Resurrection Day that there is no doubt about it. Whose saying is truer than God’s?
What is it with you that you divided into two groups regarding hypocrites while God has set them back because of what they did? Do you want to guide someone whom God misguided (according to His laws)? Whomever God misguides, you will never find a way for him.
They want you to disbelieve as they disbelieved so you are equal, so do not take supporters from them until they migrate in God's way. If they turn back (to disbelief and fight you) then take them and kill them wherever you find them. And do not take any protector or helper from them.
Except those who join a group that there is an agreement between you and them, or those who come to you with their chests/minds holding them back from fighting you or fighting their people. If God wanted, He would have given them power over you and they would have fought you, so if they kept away from you and did not fight you and offered you peace, then God did not make any way for you against them (and you should make peace with them).
You are going to find others who want to be safe from you and be safe from their people, but every time they are returned to temptation, they fall into it. So if they do not keep away and do not offer peace and do not hold back their hands, then take them and kill them wherever you find them, and they are the ones whom We gave you a clear reason against them.
It is not for a believer to kill a believer except by mistake. And anyone who kills a believer by mistake should set a believing slave free and pay full compensation to his family unless they forgive it. And if he was from a group who were your enemy and he was a believer, then setting a believing slave free. And if he was from a group that there is an agreement between you and them, then paying full compensation to his family and setting a believing slave free. And anyone who cannot find (a slave or afford one) then fasting for two consecutive months as a repentance (established) by God. God is knowledgeable and wise.
And whoever kills a believer intentionally then his punishment is hell, remaining in there forever, and God’s anger and curse is upon him and He has prepared a great punishment for him.
You who believe, when you travel in God's way, then make it clear (and investigate thoroughly), and do not tell someone who offers you peace (or admits to submission) you are not a believer, looking for the wealth of this life, whereas there are many spoils with God. That is how you were before, so God favored upon you, so make it clear. God is well aware of what you do.
Those among the believers who sit around, except those who are disabled, and those who try hard with their wealth and their lives in God's way are not equal. God set rank of those who try hard with their wealth and their lives above those who sit around. And God promised good things to each one, while God has preferred those who try hard over the ones who sit around with a great reward,
(higher) ranks and forgiveness and mercy from Him. God is forgiving and merciful.
When angels take the life of those who are wrong to themselves, they say: “What were you up to?” They say: “We were weak on the earth.” They say: “Was not God’s earth vast enough, so that you migrate in it?” Their housing will be hell, and it is a bad destination.
Except the weak among men and women and children who cannot evade and they are not guided to a way (to leave).
And perhaps God excuses them. God is pardoning and forgiving.
And whoever migrates in God's way will find many refuge and plenty on the earth. And whoever leaves his house migrating for God and His messenger, and death reaches him (and he dies), then his reward has fallen on God. And God is forgiving and merciful.
When you travel throughout the earth there is no blame on you if you shorten your mandatory prayer if you are afraid that those who disbelieve may harm you. Indeed the disbelievers are your obvious enemy.
And when you (Muhammad) are among them and you establish mandatory prayer for them, then a group of them should stand with you and should take their arms, and when they prostrate, then they should go behind you, and the other group that has not prayed should come to pray with you while taking precaution and (carrying) their arms. Those who disbelieve wish that you neglect from your arms and your things so that they attack you, a single (and sudden) attack. And there is no blame on you if you put down your arms if you are annoyed by rain or you are sick, but take precaution. Indeed God has prepared a humiliating punishment for the disbelievers.
When you are done with mandatory prayer then remember God standing and sitting and (lying) on your sides. And when you are safe then perform mandatory prayer. Indeed mandatory prayer is prescribed for the believers at specified times.
Do not slack off in pursuit of the enemy. If you are suffering, they are also suffering as you are suffering, while you hope from God what they do not hope. God is knowledgeable and wise.
We sent down the book to you with the truth, so you judge between people by what God showed you, and do not be an adversary because of the traitors.
And ask God’s forgiveness. God is indeed forgiving and merciful.
And do not argue on behalf of those who betray themselves. God does not like the sinning traitor.
They hide (their treachery) from people and they do not hide it from God while He is with them when they deliberate at night about words that do not please Him. God is fully aware of what they do.
Here you are, you are those who argue on their behalf in this world’s life! So who argues on their behalf with God on the Resurrection Day, or who will be an advocate for them?
Anyone who does a bad deed or wrongs himself, then asks God’s forgiveness, finds God forgiving and merciful.
Whoever commits a sin, he only does it against himself. God is knowledgeable and wise.
Anyone who commits an offense or a sin, then accuses an innocent (person) of it, he has carried (the guilt of) a false accusation and a clear sin.
And if it was not for God’s grace and mercy upon you (Muhammad), a group of them intended to misguide you, whereas they only misguide themselves, and they do not harm you at all. And God sent down the book and wisdom to you and taught you what you did not know. And God’s grace upon you is great.
There is no good in most of their private talks, except anyone who instructs to charity or doing what is right or improving among people. And whoever does that looking for God’s pleasure, then We will give him a great reward.
Anyone who opposes the messenger after the guidance became clear to him and follows other than the believers’ way, then We will turn him to what he turned to and We will make him enter (and burn in) hell, and it is a bad destination.
God does not forgive associating (partners) with Him, and forgives other than that for anyone He wants. Anyone who associates (partners) with God then he has lost (the way), a far away losing.
They only call upon females (goddesses) instead of Him, and they only call upon the rebellious Satan.
God cursed him (Satan), and he said: “I shall take an assigned portion of your servants,
and I shall misguide them and I shall make them desire (unlawful things) and I shall instruct them to cut off the ears of livestock, and I shall instruct them to change God’s creation.” Anyone who takes Satan as protector instead of God has lost, an obvious losing.
He (Satan) promises and makes them desire (unlawful things), and Satan promises nothing except deception.
Their housing will be hell, and they will not find any way to escape from it.
Those who believe and do good, We are going to admit them into gardens which rivers flow through them, remaining in there forever and ever. God’s promise is true, and whose word is truer than God’s?
It is not according to your wish or people of the book’s wish, anyone who does bad deed will be penalized for it and will not find any protector or helper for him besides God.
And anyone who does good deeds, whether male or female, and is a believer, then they enter the garden, and they will not be wronged a bit.
And whose way of life (religion) is better than someone who has submitted himself to God and is a good doer and faithfully follows Abraham’s faith? And God took Abraham as a friend.
Everything in the skies and on the earth belongs to God, and God surrounds (and dominates) everything.
They ask your opinion about women, say: “God gives His opinion to you regarding them and (that is in) what is read to you from the book regarding the female orphans whom you do not give them what is prescribed for them and you like to marry them, and the weak (and helpless) children, that you should carry out justice for the orphans.” And anything good you do, God knows about it.
And if a woman is afraid of her husband’s disloyalty (in performing his marital duties) or desertion, there is no blame on them if they make things right between them by settlement (and compromise), and settlement is better, even though the (human) souls are filled with greed and stinginess. And if you do good and be cautious (of God), God is well aware of what you do.
You can never be fair between the women even if you are eager, therefore do not turn all the likeness (to one) so as to leave the other hanging. And if you make peace (and reconcile) and be cautious (of God), God is forgiving and merciful.
And if they separate, God enriches them both from His abundance. God is bountiful and wise.
Everything in the skies and on the earth belongs to God. Indeed We instructed those who were given the book before you and you to be cautious of God. And if you disbelieve, still everything in the skies and on the earth belongs to God. God is without any needs and praiseworthy.
Everything in the skies and on the earth belongs to God, and God is enough as an advocate.
You people, He will remove you and brings others if He wants. God is capable of that.
Anyone who wants the reward of this world, the reward of this world and the Hereafter is with God. God hears and sees everything.
You who believe, be maintainers of justice and witnesses for God even if it is against yourselves, parents, or relatives (and close ones) whether he is rich or poor. God has priority over them, so do not follow desires to deviate from justice. And if you are equivocal or avoid (the testimony), God is well aware of what you do.
You who believe, believe in God and His messenger and the book that He sent down to His messenger and the book that He sent down in the past. And whoever disbelieves in God, His angels, His books, His messengers, and the Last Day has lost (the way), a far away losing.
Those who believe then disbelieve then believe and then disbelieve then increase their disbelief, God is not to forgive them or to guide them to a (right) way.
Give news to the hypocrites that they will have a painful punishment,
those who take the disbelievers as protectors instead of the believers. Are they looking for honor (and power) through them? Indeed all honor (and power) belongs to God.
And He has sent down to you in the book that when you hear God’s signs (and verses) are denied or ridiculed, then do not sit with them until they engage in a discussion other than that. Indeed you are like them (if you do not). God is the collector of all the hypocrites and the disbelievers in hell.
Those (hypocrites) who wait for you, and if there is a victory for you from God, they say: “Were we not with you?” And if there is a share (of victory) for the disbelievers, they say: “Did we not have power over you and yet we protected you from the believers?” God judges between you on the Resurrection Day, and God will never make a way for the disbelievers over the believers.
Indeed the hypocrites (think that they) trick God, while He outwits them, and when they perform mandatory prayer they perform it lazily to be seen by people and they seldom remember God,
undecided between that (belief and disbelief), not being of these and not of those. And whoever is misguided by God (according to His laws), you will never find a way for him.
You who believe, do not take the disbelievers as protectors instead of the believers. Do you want to give God a clear reason against you?
Indeed the hypocrites will be in the lowest level of the fire, and you will not find any helper for them,
except those who repented and straightened out and held on tight to God, and were sincere to God in their way of life (religion), then they are with the believers, and God will give the believers a great reward.
What does God do with punishing you if you are thankful and you believe? God is appreciative and knowledgeable.
God does not like nasty talks in public except by one who is wronged, and God hears all and knows all.
If you do good openly or hide it, or you excuse a bad deed, then God is pardoner and capable.
Those who disbelieve in God and His messengers and they want to differentiate between God and His messengers and they say: “We believe in some and disbelieve in others,” and they want to take a path between that,
they are actually disbelievers, and We have prepared a humiliating punishment for the disbelievers.
And those who believe in God and His messengers and do not differentiate between any of them, We will give them their reward. God is forgiving and merciful.
People of the book ask you to cause a book to come down to them from the sky. Indeed they asked for greater than this from Moses and they said: “Show us God openly.” So the lightning took them for their wrongdoing. Then they took the calf (for worship) after clear evidences came to them, but We excused them for that, and We gave Moses a clear mandate.
And We put the mountain above them because of their commitment and We told them: “Enter the gate humbly.” And We told them: “Do not violate the Sabbath.” And we took a firm commitment from them.
So (they earned God's anger) because of breaking their commitment and their disbelief in God’s signs and their killing of the prophets unjustly and their saying “Our hearts are covered.” No, but God has set a seal upon them (their hearts) because of their disbelief, therefore they do not believe except a few (or a little).
And for their disbelief and their saying a great false accusation against Mary,
and their saying “We killed Jesus Christ the son of Mary, God’s messenger,” while they did not kill him and did not crucify him but it was so appeared to them, and indeed those who disagree about it are in doubt about it, having no knowledge of it except following speculation, and certainly they did not kill him,
but rather God lifted him up to Him. God is powerful and wise.
And one is not among people of the book unless he believes in it/him before his death, and on the Resurrection Day he (Jesus) is a witness against them.
So because of wrongdoings of the Jews, We forbade them some of the good things that were lawful for them, and for their holding back many (people) from God's way,
and their taking usury while it had been forbidden to them, and their eating up people’s wealth (and properties) falsely, and We have prepared a painful punishment for the disbelievers among them.
But the scholars of knowledge among them and the believers believe in what was sent down to you and what was sent down before you, and the performers of mandatory prayer and the givers of mandatory charity and the believers in God and the Last Day, We will give them a great reward.
Indeed We revealed to you as We revealed to Noah and the prophets after him and We revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, the tribes (of Israel), Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron and Solomon, and We gave David the Psalms (Zabur),
and messengers whom We have already told you their stories, and messengers whom We have not told you their stories. And God spoke to Moses in a conversation.
Messengers are givers of good news and warners, so there would be no reason for people against God after the messengers. God is powerful and wise.
But God testifies to what He sent down to you, that He sent it down with His knowledge, and the angels testify too, but God is enough as a witness.
Those who disbelieve and obstruct God's way have indeed lost (the way), a far away losing.
Indeed those who disbelieve and do wrong, God is not to forgive them and He does not guide them to a (right) way,
except way of hell, remaining in there forever and ever, and that is easy for God.
People, the messenger has brought you the truth from your Lord, so believe, it is better for you, and if you disbelieve, (know that) whatever is in the skies and on the earth belongs to God, and God is knowledgeable and wise.
People of the book, do not exaggerate in your religion (way of life) and do not say anything from God except the truth. Jesus Christ, son of Mary, was only a messenger of God, and His word which He conveyed to Mary, and a breath of life (or spirit) from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say: “Three (or trinity).” Stop, that is better for you. God is the only one god, He is flawless to have a child. Everything in the skies and on the earth belongs to him, and God is enough as an advocate.
Christ would never refrain from being a servant of God, and nor would (even) the closest angels. And whoever refrains from being His servant and is arrogant then He is going to gather them all to Himself (for reckoning).
As for those who believe and do good, He will pay them their full reward and more from His grace. And as for those who refrained and were arrogant, He will punish them with a painful punishment and they will not find any protector or helper besides God for themselves.
People, a proof has come to you from your Lord, and We have sent down a clear light (Quran) to you.
As for those who believe in God and hold on tight to Him, then He is going to admit them into His mercy and grace, and He guides them to a straight path.
They ask your opinion, say: “God gives His opinion to you regarding one with no direct heir. If a man dies having no child but has a sister, then half of what he leaves is hers, while he inherits (everything) from her if she has no child. And if there are two sisters then two third of what he leaves is theirs, and if there are multiple brothers and sisters, then for the male is as much as two females. God explains to you, that you don't make mistake. And God knows everything.”
of the Chapter